Reprap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield or RAMPS for short.
Full details of this open source hardware design can be found on the Reprap Wiki here:
The 1.4 version is the latest version and incorporates the use of surface mount electronic components.
Note: The product comes as a kitset containing the bare PCB and all the components. You will need to solder on a variety of surfacemount 0805 components, through hole components, screw terminals and header strips.
This is ideal for a training tool for electronics assembly.
If you are looking for a ready to use RAMPS board then look at
You will also need an Arduino Mega 2560 or equivalent clone, the stepper driver modules and a power supply and you will have all the electronics necessary to drive a 3D printer.
The shield provides for:
Sockets for up to 5 Pololu style stepper drive modules. X, Y, and Z axes and 2 extruders.
3 channels of temperature sensing using 100k thermistors (not included) for heated bed, and 2 extruders
3 channels of MOSFET switched output for controlling extruder heating, hot bed heating and cooling fan speed.
Includes Heat sink for the heated bed MOSFET.
This product is supplied as a kitset that requires assembly.
A temperature controlled soldering iron with a fine tip and solder will be required.